
A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking

FOREWARD I didn’t write a foreword to the original edition of A Brief History of Time. That was done by Carl Sagan. Instead, I wrote a short piece titled “Acknowledgments” in which I was advised to thank everyone. Some of the foundations that had given me support weren’t too pleased to have been mentioned, however, because it led to a great increase in applications. I don’t think anyone, my publishers, my agent, or myself, expected the book to do anything like as well as it did. It was in the London Sunday Times best-seller list for 237 weeks, longer than any other book (apparently, the Bible and Shakespeare aren’t counted). It has been translated into something like forty languages and has sold about one copy for every 750 men, women, and children in the world. As Nathan Myhrvold of Microsoft (a former post-doc of mine) remarked: I have sold more books on physics than Madonna has on sex. The success of A Brief History indicates that there is widespread interest in

The collections of novel reviews by Dian Astuti Karyani

Dian Karyani Astuti (109014000045) of English Education Department 1B  State Islamic Syarif  Hidayatullah University Jakarta Pre v ious School : State Senior High School 2 Tebo, Jambi A. Novel : A Patience for Life and Love It is not only narrates so beautiful, attractive, and innocent of Angelina Lange is. The author, Elizabeth Lowell wrote A Woman Without Lies (380 pages), an admirable romantic novel, that is filled lesson of life, love, patience, suffering, and pain of irretrievable. Whole story,  presents a very good theme, with story that arouse the reader`s heart deeply. Angelina Lange, the main character, always efforts to survive in life after her parent and Grant Ramsey,her fiancĂ© dead in a accident. She survives to live with sadness and loneliness. She has spirits and strength to steady in life. Angel efforts to face the true obstinacy, and she is a very patient, innocent and strong woman. Finally Angel meets Miles Hawkins that makes her fall in l

Gasifier stove, Lumpwood, Tamarind wood, Coconut Charcoal : Indonesia Charcoal Manufactures

Our briquettes are made from pure hardwood charcoal fines mixed with food grade organic binders, usually corn or cassava flour/starch. The product is completely natural and does not contain any chemicals, fillers or additives whatsoever. Residual ash content is less than half of that produced by composite briquettes. HARD LUMPWOOD CHARCOAL Only selected hardwoods are used to obtain the right charcoal blend which minimizes smoke and sparking while keeping that natural charcoal aroma. Our produce hardwood lump charcoal from materials such as tamarind wood, acacia, mahogany, rosewood, etc Our lump wood charcoal is made only from logs specially selected in regulated forest regeneration program. The mix of dense subtropical wood species we use is ideal to produce premium quality charcoal with a high calorific output and long-lasting burn. SHISHA CHARCOAL Shisha, a synonym for Hookah, is from the Persian word shishe, literally translated as glass and not bottle. Hoo

Proposal : Pembangunan Tempat Pengolahan Kayu (Sawmill) Di Sekitar Jalur Cigudeg-Leuwiliang

PROPOSAL KERJA SAMA Pembangunan Tempat Pengolahan Kayu (Sawmill) Di Sekitar Jalur Cigudeg-Leuwiliang GREENTROPICALFOREST COMMUNITY CV AGROMINA FORESTAMA  BOGOR 2014 PENAWARAN INI BERSIFAT TERTUTUP DAN TIDAK DISAMPAIKAN KEPADA PIHAK LAIN, SAMPAI PIHAK CALON INVESTOR MEMBERIKAN  TANGGAPAN LEBIH LANJUT MENGENAI RENCANA  PENAWARAN KERJASAMA INI. INDUSTRI KAYU DI INDONESIA Beberapa jenis pohon lain baik jenis lokal maupun eksotik juga telah dibudidayakan dalam skala lebih kecil oleh masyarakat atau sekala besar untuk Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI), antara lain kayu afrika (Maesopsis eminii), jati putih (Gmelina arborea), mindi (Melia zedarach), jati (Tectona grandis), mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla), sono keling (Dalbergia speciosa), akasia (Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia mangium, dan Acacia cracicarpa), suren (Toona sureni), suren leuweung (Azadirachta excelsa), dll. Minat masyarakat untuk melakukan investasi dengan menanam pohon semakin tinggi. Sela