Structuring Watershed For Flood Mitigation Efforts and Optimization Functions River


1. Background

The river is one important element in human life other than solar radiation. The river is a major source of fresh water. Therefore, many people prefer to live in the banks of the river to facilitate the fulfillment of their water needs. In the end, people who live on the banks of the river is increasing and cause a variety of negative effects on the river. Then there are the problems in rivers such as the large amounts of waste and the hardening of riparian leading eventually to floods.

The river has several benefits, namely as rain water drains, irrigation, drinking water raw materials, even the potential to be a real attraction. Ironically, the function of the river has been switched from the source of human life become a source of disaster created by humans themselves. Often we find a river infested by different types of waste and degraded riverine converted as of settlements. Human behavior that are not friendly and do not pay attention to this local knowledge can result in damage to the river that the impact would be detrimental to the man himself. Flood, various diseases, and other impacts due to a disturbance of the river it was time to get more attention. Therefore, it is necessary to have good river management to restore and optimize the function of the river as it should.

2. Objectives

The purpose of this paper is as follows:

  1. Increase public awareness of the importance of the role of the river in human life;
  2. Open views of the various parties on the subject of rivers in Indonesia and the consequences thereof;
  3. Seek way of structuring the stream to maintain its sustainability as well as flood mitigation efforts in Indonesia; and
  4. Restore rivers to their original function.

3. Problems

Issues to be discussed in this paper include:

  1. Silting and contamination of rivers due to the large amounts of waste;
  2. Construction of the buildings around the Watershed (DAS);
  3. Wrong river channel development planning; and
  4. Government policies were not effective and efficient in handling the river.


The river is an important part of the human life cycle. River is also one part of the hydrologic cycle. The water in the river is generally collected from precipitation such as rain, dew, springs, underground runoff, and in some countries also tertantu river water comes from melting ice / snow. In addition to drain the water, the river is also flowing sediment and pollutants. Assorted river function greatly assist human life. The usefulness of a river is for agricultural irrigation, the raw materials of drinking water, as rain water drains and sewage, even real potential as a tourist attraction river.

However, along with the increasing number of people in Indonesia, the function of the river is increasingly eroded and replaced with a new function, namely as a waste disposal site, both household waste and industrial waste. Various studies of the river in Indonesia noted that every river that crosses the residential area next to very poor quality too high trash content. As a result, the river will experience silting. Siltation This will reduce the capacity of the river to the water that came when the rainy season and, if allowed to continue, will cause such a terrible impact of floods. In addition, the river pollution due to the accumulation of garbage should not ignore. As a result of that contamination, various diseases and other biological effects even add a row of a long list of diseases in Indonesia.

In Indonesia, the most severe pollution in downstream river Ciliwung. Ciliwung river is divided into five segments according to the administrative regions traversed, the first segment (Bogor Regency), segment 2 (Bogor City), segment 3 (Bogor Regency), segment 4 (Depok City), and segment 5 (Jakarta City). In the first segment in Cisarua monitoring points (Bogor Regency), Ciliwung River water can be used for infrastructure / facilities water recreation, fisheries, animal husbandry and gardening. Segments 2 and 4, Ciawi (Bogor City) and Cimanggis (Depok City), the only decent used to irrigate landscaping. Segment 3 in Cibinong (Bogor Regency) can be used for fishing, farming and gardening. In the segment 5 in Jakarta, the Ciliwung River water unfit used for any activity. The quality of river water is indeed still be improved with a particular technology, but requires a very large cost. Monitoring the number of rivers in Indonesia in 2004 by the Ministry of Environment showed that the water quality is strongly influenced by domestic sewage, industrial waste, agricultural waste and livestock waste. Therefore, there must be an appropriate solution to overcome the problem of silting as a result of this garbage problem.

Solutions that can be done to overcome this problem is to dredge all the garbage that has accumulated along the river polluted. Furthermore, preventive preventively to do with the aspects of cleanliness and beauty of the environment around the residence through the concept of an orderly settlement. So that this condition can be achieved, required some reduction program to address the garbage problem. For example, every day there should be officers in charge of collecting garbage around the bins from house to house and taken to landfills. In addition, the local government must also provide a special officer to handle the cleanliness of rivers and river safety officer. With the security officer of the river, people will think twice when they wanted to throw garbage into the river.

The second problem that often affects rivers in Indonesia is the number of people who live along the border river. Riparian area is a floodplain area plus the width of the river cliff avalanches may occur, wide plains ecological, and security required width associated with the location of the river (eg residential areas and nonpemukiman). The number of people who live along the river banks resulted in hardening the soil surface border. Hardening of this land will reduce the ability to absorb rain water before the piped into the river. in case of rain, the water will flow directly into the river without their absorption capacity so that by diminishing the flood will easily occur.

This problem can be solved by doing reforestation programs overall in both urban, rural, and in other areas, to enable the reservoir-reservoir natural, manufacture infiltration-infiltration of rain water naturally and reducing or avoiding as far as possible the manufacture of hard coating the surface of the soil can result in water stress rain soak into the ground.

On the other hand, most of the construction area inundated in the world today still use the approach pattern civil engineering hydro partially. The engineering results contrary to the interest of environmental sustainability. On a purely hydraulic engineering patterns, problem solving in the area inundated hydraulic functions only based on the inundated area without considering the negative impact and coherence of the existing ecological components. For example the function of a river, according to the concept of pure hydraulic, the river is only seen as a channel hydraulic disposal of excess water into the sea. So, with this concept, all the rivers should be straightened out so fast the water flows downstream. With this concept the river ecological components will be damaged.

In the meandering river, when it rains, the rate of water coming into the river will be retained by the winding pattern resulting in flooding along the riverbanks. Flooding is favorable for vegetation because it would increase fertility and diversity. This flooding will not occur in the river straightened out. Therefore, the straightening of the river will damage the ecological component in watershed areas.
For example, engineering patterns like this in Indonesia is the alignment of the Solo River in the district of Sukoharjo, Surakarta and Karanganyar are changing the natural river channel along the 50 km to less than 35 km. The streamlining resulted in the emergence of new problems. As a result of streamlining Bengawan Solo, along 15 km of flora and fauna in the river banks were damaged. The rivers that cut into a dead river and is a nest of mosquitoes and other diseases. Also create areas that are isolated and cut off from the outside world covering an area of ​​525.85 ha and the threat of flood in downstream areas such as regional Ngawi, Bojonegoro, and more.

Another example is the project spatula Citandui in West Java, which plans to divert the river flow out of Segara Chicks Citandui directly into the sea. Spatula Citandui is definitely going to change on marine ecosystems with high salinity into the brackish estuary, thus creating the risk of community adaptation of marine animals such as fish migration, disruption of the lives of some species, and reduction in biological diversity (biodiversity). Mangrove forests (mangroves) will be damaged. In turn, the dynamics of ocean currents will carry sediment from Citandui westward, destroying coral reefs, advancing shoreline, and littering the Pangandaran beach with sediment and trash. If this continues, one of the leading areas in West Java in tourism and marine business will be lost.

It should also be noted that the spatula river has now been classified as an alternative primitive when viewed from the concept ekohidrologi, and not in line with the agreement the world at the Earth Summit (Earth Summit) in Johannesburg in September 2002, which classifies spatula rivers (river diversion) as unsustainable development ,

In the end, all the problems that occurred in the above will be solved if the government is really in charge of managing and conserving rivers in the region of his government. Coordination between the various local governments in managing and maintaining rivers in the region will further facilitate the handling of the problem.

Some of the solutions above will not be as good as there is no cooperation from various parties as well as government support through real action or through legal legitimacy. Religious norms also have a very important role in the printing noble generation to continue to maintain and preserve the environment for the achievement of peace and comfort in social life.


River pollution and the treatment of the river without careful consideration can result in a variety of disasters such as siltation, flooding, the emergence of many diseases, and poor quality of water that is not fit for use. This can be overcome with the arrangement and proper management of the river and the surrounding environment. Development mentality environmental conscious society also needs to be done. The cooperation of various parties will determine the success of the program so that the floods in our country can be overcome. Good river management will produce a good layout anyway.


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